This weekend is fun...
Friday nite...
Aaron and Ben came to pick me up. Coz after work, I went home first to have dinner and pack my bag as I was goin to stay over at Aaron's place. I brought my safari bed along too.... hehe... We went to catch STAR WARS III : The Revenge of the Sith. I wasn't as good as the first and second episode but it's still a great great show to catch. I've been waiting and waiting for it and finally watched it. hehe.... Now I feel so much FORCE in me and May The Force Be With You... erm... Always.... ahahaha.... after the show all three of us went to aaron place and camp... we play PS2 till about 3 am...
It's rest day for us... so in the morning, we went to West Coast RC for free billard... after that we went to Marina South to look at billard cues. We decided to play with the Aerobie Super Ring. Coz after it was lost at Sentosa last time, it was gone. So Aaron and I shared to buy the ring. There was a large football field, so we play. We had a bit of difficultly starting to play as I had lost quite a bit of skill at throwing... Still remember the GOOD OLD DAYS playing it at Sentosa with Clare and Dennis. hehehe... After around, 30plus mins of playing, we were all tired. Went to have some jucies and we left for Concourse and Boat Quay to look for more billard ques. We then went back to my house and we watch some Dvds. Set off from home around 8.30pm to MS Robertson Square to watch the Man U Vs Arsenal FA Cup Final. Although Man U lost, it was still a great match and in soccer, I had undstood that the better team might not win. Although I was a bit disappointed but it's was Arsenal's Day. Watched a good match... feel happie...
Went to church in the morning.... After church, I rushed home. Coz Aaron asked if I wanna go JB together... So steady.... Wait wait wait.... Juz feel like breaking the JB story for a while... Below are some of the pics I took from my church.
*Cute little ger... Always want to carry her... hehe
*Garrence.. A little handsome imp...
*Sean Lim... little boy whom I watched him grew up since young
*Jamie Lim... Sean's sis.. we were at Mac Ritchie Nature reserve and she was too tired to walk...Okok... let's continue the Singapore Story... oops... no... I mean the JB Story...erm... Untold and uncut version... hehe
We met at the custom and after clearing it, we walked across the causeway as there was a heavy jam. When we reached the custom the other side, damm long que.... suddenly got an uncle jio us say pay some money and can get across the custom in 15mins. Mmm.... sounds interesting... So we agreed... we had to pay just RM 10 per person and there was a car waiting. So 5 person squeeze into the car. The car was just parked in front of the custom at the no parking zone...
-_-"'..... So we cleared the custom, without jams and etc... some more fetch us to city square leh...can lar... not bad...
Went to City Square and gave Jiayin a call as she was there too.... Both me and Aaron walked around for a while and guess who we met... Wei Shun and some other Charlie Wing guys... they came back from some Kelong fishing in malaysia... they jio us to go as well but we didn't go... so after all not onli Singapore is a small place... even Malaysia oso small place... hehe...
We were hanging ard the place in City Square that is the Heeren look alike.... Then there was this shop that does wrapping for HP.... I saw this HP fashion thing at JP and was so tempted to do it but it was SGD 40 bucks for it so I didn't. The price at JB is onli RM 50..... hehe... nice... so I choose a Scorpio Design and Blue theme.... and boy... I was damm pleased with the workmanship of it.... Check it out man !!!
*This is the front view
*Back View... the scorpio theme....
*For those who are worried if u can't see the screen, not to worry coz once u on the phone, the picture will become semi transparent.... cool rite... the wrapping acts as an extra layer of protection for scratches etc... u can oso wrap ur digital cameras etc...
After walking around some shops, we decided to move on to Holiday Plaza. We took a cab there and onli cost us RM 6.00... normal rate... coz I asked my JB friend b4 taking it... In case they decided to take me for a Veggi Head... "Cai Tao"... haha... On the taxi, the friendly Indian driver kept on speaking malay to me all the way, I used my limit malay like "Jalan Sehala == One way street", "Bagus == Good", "tidak kanan == No right turn", "boleh == good", "Ha base == Die"and "Terima Kase == Thank you" to converse with him... other than that, when he spoke, I just laughed it off... -_-"' When we reached Holiday Plaza, we proceeded to our favourite and friendly neighbourhood DVD shop and chose ard 25 DVDs. It will be delievered to Singpore soon....
After that, we went we went to watson to buy some tolietries.... it was cheap... hehe... Aaron bought 4 big bottles of Body wash and shampoo.. I onli bought a Hair Spray... hehe... We then went Genki Sushi to eat and spent ard RM 65.... Still remember when me and dennis first went in ourselves... we oso went hte same place... and at Watson, reminds me of Clare and me in Hatyai, goin to Boots a few times a day to buy tolietries... wahahahaha... they will be back soon... hehe...
After that, it was getting late and we cabbed back to Larkin. The custom was damm pack and there was people jamming at the stairs... we took the correct lane in the queue and was faster... then there wa this stupid couple which the guy tried to cut queue... never die b4... I turn ard and "Diao" him... and act "Pai kia" haha... then I purposely jam him and let the indian family pass b4 moving, he tap my shoulder and ask me to move, and I just turned around and diao him, gave him a smirk and ignore.... hahaha... damm good feeling....
Took 170 and came back Singapore.... custom great Aircon... shiok.... walked home from the custom while Aaron went home... Tml will most prod go Sentosa with Ben, Aaron and Melvin... we all got hooked on the super ring and the other day. I'm glad I got some other pple hooked on to Aerobie... hehe... Time to rest and continue watching NARUTO !!!!
*phew... damm long post... Tired...Quote:
"Whenever we fall, it is usually at the point where we think we are strong"~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~JasunZ, Without Wax