Let's Begin.......
Work was picking up yesterday and was busy busy busy. BUT I like it this way. When I'm busy, I do not have the time to think about things that are bugging. Like the famous Geisha Mameha would say. The best way to rid of your disappointments and problems is to work & work.
After work yesterday, went straight home. Had dinner while watching FU LU SHOU final episode. After dinner, accompany dad to Sheng Song with the intention of purchasing some stuffs for CNY. However, the parking was damm packed and we decided to go home.
Me slacked around and was on msn chatting with Ivy. Exams results are out. Went to check. Results alright.
Consumer Behavior: Credit
Foundations of e-Commerce : Distinction
I'm ok with my consumer behavior results coz I did not study for it. (Makes no difference even if you study) But I'm quite disappointed with my e-Commerce results coz I expected to get a High Distinction for it. Anyway, over le. So work harder.
After chatting for a while, left home at 9.30pm to meet Cherlyn and Dolly at Coffee Club for chilling. They just finished classes. I was kind of bored, so went down to meet them.
On the way there at BKE, I saw a Nissan Sunny and a Lorry (those kind that deliver vegetables one) They "maciam" like Initial D like that. Left right, right left. Orh. The Nissan Sunny purposely block the Lorry, by going slowly and don't let him cut. Kaoz. Bully the poor lorry. Me dulan. So sped up, cut into the Sunny lane and brake hard. I think he kenna shocked. Then now he no longer play the Lorry. So started with me. He tried to overtake me. But can meh? haha. So played with him until the area where we are suppose to turn into PIE to go town. He tried to slow down or overtake me so that he can turn into PIE as well. But no chance man. I was in mood yesterday to force people to go Jurong. So he had to go Jurong in the end. Haha.
Shit Nissan. Next time don't pick on Lorries k. Coz they are the people who work hard to deliver vegetables and DURIANS to us. Pui. I will never ever drive a Nissan Sunny. Most of the Nissan Sunny people are one of the kind. Not all.

*Captured shot of race. Winner: Toyota Pinic. Hahaha.
So reach Coffee Club at 9.59pm in the end. Sianz. Coz I left home at 9.35pm. So was suppose to reach Orchard by latest 9.55pm latest. But was playing with the Sunny. So late. Haiz. Anyway. went to chat and chill with them and we then shifted to Rocky Master to chill again. Haha. Peopl do club hopping in one night. We do coffee hoping. Kaoz. Lame leh.
Went home, chated online and play with webcam again. Fun.
So, let's tackle the title of the blog today which is
Proximity Friends &
Activity Partners.Recently there was an article on one of the leading magazine in Singapore on Proximity Friends. This means that when people are brought close together due to school, or work, or through certain friends, they become friends and do lots of stuff together. Once they drift apart, they start to lose contact and in the end, no contact until the similar factor that drew them together surface again. If you think this is bad enough. Now let me introduce to you
Activity Partners!At least in Proximity Friends, they were indeed friends before. As for Activity Partners. It's kind of sad. They are not even considered friends. They basically come together just for certain activities that they all enjoy. Other than that, they do not meet or care. Example.
You can have activity partners every Sunday for going to bum around at beaches. Other days, you do not contact them expect to confirm the Sunday appointment again.
You can have have them for clubbing partners where u only see them when you go club. Once clubbing over, it's bye bye till the next clubbing session again.
There are so many activities that bind people together and on the surface it looks as if they are friends or even more. The sad and underlying fact is that, they are just Activity Partners. Sad thou but that's the sad fact.
Ask yourself.Friends are those that regardless of busying or free, with or without programs, will give you a call with no intention but just to catch up and find out how you are. You will just meet up with no idea where to go, no programs. The intention of meeting up is not actually to go somewhere but to enjoy each others company. When you meet up, and then feel troubled about where to go. You had found a friend. It sounds stupid to alot of people that you meet up and not know what to do or where to go. BUT, that's friendship. You don't meet up for intentions. You meet up just simply coz you want to be in the company of each other. It's that
simple.Now ask yourself. Are you a Friend, Proximity Friend or worse an Activity Partner. I myself is gulity of both of them and I'm changing. It takes effort for we all do not just simply friend anyone and some people just cannot be friends. I personally choose friends.
So perhaps in this early part of the year, it would be nice to
reflect on yourself and perhaps just pick up the phone and give a call to that friend of yours that you used to spend so much time with in the past and catch up. Show them that you value that memory and be a real friend. Show some
genuine care and friendship for others and it shall be returned to you.
That's all!
"The greatest sweetner of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover" --Joseph Addison~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~JasunZ, Without Wax