I'm JasunZ, Without Wax
Let's Begin.......
Yesterday, after work, went straight home. Wanted to exercise actually but could not book the badminton court. So too bad. Went to help Dad buy New Year Stuffs.
We are a very thristy family, esp. during Chinese New Year. Must have wealth mah. So water is wealth... Huat ah!!!

*First Batch

*Second Batch

*Third Batch
Wah. Perhaps a bit too much liaoz.. In total bought the following:
02 X Coke
02 X Kickapoo
03 X Herbal Tea
02 X Fruit Tree Orange
02 X Pokka Aloe Vera
02 X Soya Bean
02 X Green Tea
*All above units are in carton.
Nvm. I was thinking, if cannot drink finish oso can store mah. Coz if bird flu hit Singapore, still got can drinks, not so bad.
After "getting" all the stuffs home, I went online. Saw Alex. Was kind of feeling down with all the recent events happening. He was "sian", so was I. We decided to go Coffee Club. Although I went there only the day before with Cherlyn and Dolly. So I called Cherlyn and jio her down as well.
After a while, Clare, Alex came down as well. Alex then further jio-ed (got this word ar) Naren, Eugene and Wai Sum as well. Had a nice time crapping around. Hehe.
Went home ard 11.30pm.
Just some other stuffs to update. Seems like nowadays, it's a trend to give hampers. Gi gave one for Christmas. The other day went home and found another one. She hor.... but it was really nice of her.

*Gi's Hamper

* Given by my Mum's Ex-Boss
This morning at work was pack all the way. Like the good old times, jobs piling up after one another. Have to contact designers to let them know the changes, here and there. Contact my printer etc. So its connecting people. hehe.
Finally got the FA (Final Artwork) done and got my printer to collect it from the designer. Hehe.
Work a bit overtime today. Till 6plus. Went home straight after work. Had dinner and was writting this blog halfway when I recieve Armii's sms. Coz I sms her quite sometime ago. Coz didn't see her online which means she didn't go work. Her reply kind of mad me worried. So, went down to meet her at NUS and then we went to West Coast Mac.
Chatted till 11pm. Updated each other and cheered her up a bit. She is quite down. Sent her back to her brother's house as her house upgrading and she bunking over. Went home after that and now blogging while watching English Premiership Updates. Hehe. Tonight Man U Vs Burton. Will be watching. Hope to get some good football action and win for Man U. Hehe.
That's about all...
Quote: "The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best which is within us."
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
Yesterday, after work, went straight home. Wanted to exercise actually but could not book the badminton court. So too bad. Went to help Dad buy New Year Stuffs.
We are a very thristy family, esp. during Chinese New Year. Must have wealth mah. So water is wealth... Huat ah!!!

*First Batch

*Second Batch

*Third Batch
Wah. Perhaps a bit too much liaoz.. In total bought the following:
02 X Coke
02 X Kickapoo
03 X Herbal Tea
02 X Fruit Tree Orange
02 X Pokka Aloe Vera
02 X Soya Bean
02 X Green Tea
*All above units are in carton.
Nvm. I was thinking, if cannot drink finish oso can store mah. Coz if bird flu hit Singapore, still got can drinks, not so bad.
After "getting" all the stuffs home, I went online. Saw Alex. Was kind of feeling down with all the recent events happening. He was "sian", so was I. We decided to go Coffee Club. Although I went there only the day before with Cherlyn and Dolly. So I called Cherlyn and jio her down as well.
After a while, Clare, Alex came down as well. Alex then further jio-ed (got this word ar) Naren, Eugene and Wai Sum as well. Had a nice time crapping around. Hehe.
Went home ard 11.30pm.
Just some other stuffs to update. Seems like nowadays, it's a trend to give hampers. Gi gave one for Christmas. The other day went home and found another one. She hor.... but it was really nice of her.

*Gi's Hamper

* Given by my Mum's Ex-Boss
This morning at work was pack all the way. Like the good old times, jobs piling up after one another. Have to contact designers to let them know the changes, here and there. Contact my printer etc. So its connecting people. hehe.
Finally got the FA (Final Artwork) done and got my printer to collect it from the designer. Hehe.
Work a bit overtime today. Till 6plus. Went home straight after work. Had dinner and was writting this blog halfway when I recieve Armii's sms. Coz I sms her quite sometime ago. Coz didn't see her online which means she didn't go work. Her reply kind of mad me worried. So, went down to meet her at NUS and then we went to West Coast Mac.
Chatted till 11pm. Updated each other and cheered her up a bit. She is quite down. Sent her back to her brother's house as her house upgrading and she bunking over. Went home after that and now blogging while watching English Premiership Updates. Hehe. Tonight Man U Vs Burton. Will be watching. Hope to get some good football action and win for Man U. Hehe.
That's about all...
Quote: "The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best which is within us."
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
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