What 2 do?
Blog It or Not...
I always maintain my principle that if you want to do something, either you do it to your best or not do it at all. There's no point doing a half job as it does not achieve anything and will only come back and haunt someone else if not you.
So, the decision is to go or not to go. I will usually make some critical thinking and list down all the facts with the pros & cons to aid my decision making. This template for making decision usually work for most but not some. I do not put feelings when I make decisions. I use the most logical and practical thinking.
Recently, there are multiple decisions to be made and I'm glad that most of them that I made had turned out fine. GOOD DECISIONS! haha. There are still a few outstanding decisions to be made and perhaps those with a heavier impact if the decision is not sound.
As per what I had learnt in OCS, "A bad decision is better than no decision." This is what pushes me to make decisions everytime. Hahaha. My decisions are usually and mostly part of a bigger picture which is called "A Plan" I always plan & plan & plan & plan.... I believe that a person's plan can fail but they should never fail to plan. Hehe. Lots of Jasunzlogy coming out again.
I'm glad I always think a few steps ahead of things and think of all the possible outcomes that might arise. It is also from here that I'm able to predict and prepare myself for what might be coming. Like what happened last Saturday when Dennis & Me went Sentosa. After all the happenings, we finally could proceed to Sentosa and I told Dennis that after all that had happen, it might just rain and we cannot go again. He gave me the disbelieving look + -_-"' look. My explaination is that I'm just preparing him for the worst that might happen so that when it really happens, he will be prepared for it. He gave me -_-"' + -_-"'.... hahaha...
I'm a strong believer of Murphy's Law and 3 laws I like are:
1) What can go wrong will go wrong.
2) When there are 5 or 6 things that can go wrong, the one with the worst impact will occur.
3) When you prepare a plan for the 5 situations that might go wrong, a 6th situation will appear.
Hahaha. I'm not a pessimistic person. I just like to be prepared and not caught with my pants down.
That's about all for now! Cheers!
Quote: "To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action until the goal is reached. The key is action." ~Michael Hanson
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ Without Wax