Okok... this is the post which I'm suppose to post quite sometime back after my even was over.. but better late then never... I survived this nitemare and learnt lots... time to tell you the IHFEC story.
An event like IHFEC (International Healthcare Facilities Exhibition & Conference) will take more than one year to plan. Esp when it's the first show and it is a tradeshow. Let's go to 2 weeks before the event and skip the 9 mths of shit we went through...
2 Weeks Before Event..
We went for site visit and the hall is empty and gloomy..
*Singapore Expo Hall 2
*Pretty Empty huh...So during the 2 weeks, we were busy in the office everyday till 12am midnite or even later, settling the logistics, accounts, brainstorming etc... lots of stuff to prepareand even sats & suns are spent in th office... this is events... work for the job, not for the money... although it's hard work, we did have our fair share of Mc Donalds, Subway, pizza, BK, KFC take aways... dinner and lunch was basically eat in office as we had no time to have a nice meal... haiz...
Sometimes, people will get too tired as u work till midnite and go home only to reach the office next day at 8.30am again.. so this is what some people do...
*Pictures courtesy of Bobby the Temp...
*People usually think out of the box but he decided to do otherwise....So, we decided to punish him a bit... dun mess with events people... they are pretty mean when they are stressed up..
*Aaron doing the Jackie Chan style.. any chance for Hollywood.. erm... perhaps Bollywood...
*So still dare to sleep during working hours???So here comes 30th August 2005, 1 day before the actual event, we organised a hospital tour for delegates overseas to visit the hospitals in Singapore. Was a hell break loose as there were so many delegates turning up without registering and it wasn't nice to turn them away... good thing Uncle Max, Suzanne and Suwandi was there to help me or else I wouldn't understand what those Indonesian Doctors are speaking about.
Okok... let go to the even itself....
31st August - 2 September 2005, Singapore Expo Hall 2B
For the opening ceremony, there were some performances and opening ceremony by a Minister but I wouldn't mention the name here... Didn't have time to take any pictures of the ceremony as I was the nanny to 39 international speakers and I was suppose to take care of them... mmm... haha... below are some speakers whom I'm closer to... pity that I didn't manage to take a pic with Ms Cathryn Bang from USA. She is a Korean American and is an architect.
*Mr Henning Lensch from Germany, Director of Dand CA. His wife is a Singaporean. He's super tall and a big time joker... haha
*Dr Surapong from Thailand. He is a super charming person. He's a celebrity in Thailand and has been on the talk show for 20 over years... He is a member of the Board of Trade, Private Hospital Associtation... wah lau.. his designation damm long... but I love his retro specs and hairstyle.. super nice person..
*Of course, we do not forget Mr Christian Pelzeter from Germany.. super yandao... I not Gay...
*Last but not least Dr Albert Sunseri. He's the Director of American Society of Healthcare Engineering (ASHE). He had to change his flight to go back America due to Katrina. Had to rush back to build some temp hospitals and save some lives... way to go.....
*This is a gift given by Dr Ahn from the Korean Hospital Association (KHA). Very polite person and shy... =) Inside is a tie... got some pink color leh... hahaOf course those were the speakers from the 3 day conference, lets have a lookat the exhibition as well...
* The enterance is guarded for security and the show is not opened to public as it is a Tradeshow
*Swiss Pavillion
*Singapore Pavillion
* International Enterprise Singapore (IE Singapore) business hub.
*Huntleigh from UK PavillionThroughout the week of the event, we stay at pennisular hotel 2 to 1 room... so packed a mini bag with 5 days worth of clothes... haiz..
*Our hotel room.. just for sleeping a few hours...So, on the 2 September 2005, the event finally came to a close and we went out to celebrate... let me intro the few people core to the event and some ofthe temps.
*This is Chun Hui, she's our perm staff incharge of doing the registration for the 3 days and also our makeshift accountant...
*Aaron..the exhibition guy.....
*Tracy the intern from Temasek Poly and me. I'm the conference person and Tracy is helping out.That, together with Michael & Suzanne are the core team. Lets not forget the rest...
*Uncle Qwek Koo aka Fruit Tree. Who is from the Dubai office who always helps us when we need any...
*Justin the super temp staff who is only roped in 1 week before the event to help.. see even onsite oso can fall asleep... haiz...
*Bobby the Temp, who always helps us buy meals and all the logistic packing... our part time bouncer too... haha...Okie, that's bascially the whole event IHFEC 2005, learnt alot, met alot of people... some good, some bad, some yet to be know...time shall tell.. although it was hard work, we felt so good making the event a sucess... now I know where the saying came from.... tata..
"Events people work for the job & not for the money"
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~JasunZ, Without Wax