Thursday, June 08, 2006

Show me the MONEY!!!

Blogging it.......

Yesterday after work, went to Suntec for a "talk". Before going I know that it is a MLM thingy. But the difference is that the products are at least what I believe in.

So this company is quite big and international and they got a super inspiring mission statement.

RYTHM - Raise Yourself To Help Mankind.

Haha. It's indeed inspiring. Although I'm super against MLM, I asked myself, what's holding me back since it's low risk from my assesment. Just like what Robert Kiyosaki said, "If you don't try, you never know what you are losing..."

I shall sleep on it for 3 days and think about it.

Ok. Enough of that. Let's talk about happier things. Erm... okie that's it... nothing much happie to think about.

But recently, I'm constantly thinking about how to make money. My mind is constantly churning and twisting. Thinking about ways I can increase my assets and cashflow. I must get something moving when Clare and Dennis is back from Aussie during the break. Must stay FOCUS!!! I can't wait any longer. The me inside is brusting to come out and do what JasunZ is capable of. If not now... then when?

Haha. Behaving like a motivational speaker huh. I always thought I can be a motivational speaker because of all the shit I read and do and think. When a person can sit in his room for 5 hours, just thinking about ideas, he got to be quite a maniac. Hahaha.. That's me.. Over think... thinkful.... aiya.... whatever they call that. So I must come up with that ONE good freaking Idea and make Money!!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!

I'm actually blogging after lunch and now lunchtime is over so I have to contiune to sit around and wait for things to happen.


Quote: "If not now, then when?"

~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax


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