Mini-Skirts should be banned!
Let's Blog IT!
It’s a pretty much hot day out there and that’s why the streets are fully of “moving cloths trying to cover both legs” – Mini-Skirts.
I think I should not play MJ for the whole week. (As if I had been playing)
Situation 01
Yesterday, took leave from work to relax and prepare for the test in the evening. Left home for school at around 1.30pm. On MRT, was this ger wearing a super short mini-skirt sitting opposite me. I was reading my nice little book “Rich Day, Poor Dad” then got 2 kids + 01 X Parent boarded the train. I looked up. The “lady” un-cross her legs and there and BEHOLD… I saw what I shouldn’t see… WHITE!!! At that moment, I was like gaging… she was pretty thou but.. haiz.. that’s it. Suay for 1 whole week.
Let's have a TV Commercial Break
As I was alighting the train, another lady pushed her namecard to me. I took it and alighted the train. The on the namecard, she wrote that she is in the business of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” helping people to understand the Rat Race etc. So I sms her and had a short chat to see what Business Possibilities there are.
Situation 02
I went to Mac Donald to wait for Cherlyn and Dolly. Sat down, doing my work. Then this lady sitting opposite me was wearing a mini-skirt.. DANGER! DANGER! SHIT! I saw it again. Guess what? WHITE!!!
In my mind… “I think to myself… what a wonderful world” No MJ for 2 weeks. Ahhh… Damm Suay… only consolation was that both “ladies” not those er-xin type. Try to console myself.
Lessons was boring and test was easy. After test, went to have “tian ji” frog leg porridge with Ben, Jessica and Kass @ Yishun. Had a nice time and was feeling good.
Reached home and slack around while playing some games and chating with Sam online.
Got people start to complain my blog not so interesting as before le. No more funny, self drawn pictures. Ok. I will take the feedback postively and work on that creative area k.
*Anyway, just something I did for one of my friend. A birthday card.

That’s all folks!
Quote: “Failure inspires Winners. And Failure defeats Losers.”
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
It’s a pretty much hot day out there and that’s why the streets are fully of “moving cloths trying to cover both legs” – Mini-Skirts.
I think I should not play MJ for the whole week. (As if I had been playing)
Situation 01
Yesterday, took leave from work to relax and prepare for the test in the evening. Left home for school at around 1.30pm. On MRT, was this ger wearing a super short mini-skirt sitting opposite me. I was reading my nice little book “Rich Day, Poor Dad” then got 2 kids + 01 X Parent boarded the train. I looked up. The “lady” un-cross her legs and there and BEHOLD… I saw what I shouldn’t see… WHITE!!! At that moment, I was like gaging… she was pretty thou but.. haiz.. that’s it. Suay for 1 whole week.
Let's have a TV Commercial Break
As I was alighting the train, another lady pushed her namecard to me. I took it and alighted the train. The on the namecard, she wrote that she is in the business of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” helping people to understand the Rat Race etc. So I sms her and had a short chat to see what Business Possibilities there are.
Situation 02
I went to Mac Donald to wait for Cherlyn and Dolly. Sat down, doing my work. Then this lady sitting opposite me was wearing a mini-skirt.. DANGER! DANGER! SHIT! I saw it again. Guess what? WHITE!!!
In my mind… “I think to myself… what a wonderful world” No MJ for 2 weeks. Ahhh… Damm Suay… only consolation was that both “ladies” not those er-xin type. Try to console myself.
Lessons was boring and test was easy. After test, went to have “tian ji” frog leg porridge with Ben, Jessica and Kass @ Yishun. Had a nice time and was feeling good.
Reached home and slack around while playing some games and chating with Sam online.
Got people start to complain my blog not so interesting as before le. No more funny, self drawn pictures. Ok. I will take the feedback postively and work on that creative area k.
*Anyway, just something I did for one of my friend. A birthday card.

That’s all folks!
Quote: “Failure inspires Winners. And Failure defeats Losers.”
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
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