Thursday, June 15, 2006

Arrogrance Vs Confidence

Blog It Dude!

Ok. Had a chat last nite with a Cat. (meows) Came to the topic on Arrogrance and Confidence.

Let's set the background of the discussion.

Arrogrance: The act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; lordliness; haughtiness; self-assumption; presumption.

Confidence: Freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.

Let's use myself as an example. I would say that I'm a confident person in areas where I had a strong knowledge. However I had been deem by people as being arrogant and "xia lan" Quite sad right.

A person undergoes training and gain extensive knowledge on a certain area through his/her hardwork. After all that and when he/she speaks with authority to others over that area, people deem him/her as being arrogant. WHY?

I suppose it's due to those audience being self-concious of their stupidity and lack of knowledge in that area and in bid to hide that fact, they gather together to make "truth" about that person out of nothing and annocunce him/her arrogant.

I do agree to a certain extent that people are are very confident do speak in a different tone to others. But suppose that's the way to assert yourself and bring the message across to the masses. Confident people do that. Weak people then accuse them of being arrogant.

How sad? But that's the truth.

I do meet alot of arrogant people. BUT the important thing is that I do tell myself that I have to accept their arrogrance. They are good and they deserve to be arrogant. They have every MFR (Mother, Father Right) to be arrogant.

Taking a step back, I do admit that I myself do show "some" arrogrance at times but that's for the better of the people around me and bring the message across. I did try to use a softer approach but nothing gets done.

Now, now, now. Just when you think that a confident person can speak in a nicer tone and be humble so that people will not brand him/her as arrogant, let me introduce you to another word very commonly used by the masses to further de-grade genius.


Wah! So if you are smart, don't work with stupid people. That's the bottom line. If you want to work with stupid people or rather puting it in a more gentle manner; not so smart people, make sure they are able to accept your intelligence and superiority.

Sad sad! But that's the way things are happening in the society. So intelligence people try to talk less so that people cannot use the word Hypocritical on them. You think that's the end of the story. NO!!!

They then open the dictionary and take out all the words.





We intelligent people or rather Genius-es have to stand up and form an alliance not to rule but to create a haven for ourselves.

So are all the above just craps from being too bored. Perhaps yes or no. It's up to you at the end of the day to decide. This post might anger people and continue using those "hurtful" words on me or might attract those who feel the same about the current society.

I hope the latter happens.....

I shall end here before a hate site is up against me... haha..

Quote: "If you have it, flaunt it!"

~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax


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