Finally, it's over for now.
Let's blog & blog.......
Been quite sometime since I last blog. Reason is not coz me lazy hor. Coz "lim bei" got exam mah. Somemore is Business Economics Exam leh. Super difficult one hor. Not those "sub mao mao" subject.
Anyway, was spending alot of time "preparing" for it. Hence, I didn't have anytime to even blog. But no, exam finished le. So it's time to blog again.
Okie. Let's tok abt this topic first. I got inspired when I saw this "gang" of cylists cycling the other day and managed to take some pics.
They were cycling in a big group almost like 30 bikers. They had not police guiding them or what. They always do this on Sunday and I will always happen to bump into them on my way to church. But this time, they are having the biggest group. I'm super pissed by them this time. They are a bunch of people without any respect for authority or law.
I read an article from the President of the association of bikers sometime ago that he mentioned that the sport bikers were very responsible and always cycle safely and following traffic rules.
LAM P*!!!!! understand!!!!... Let's take a look at the photos I took.

This above pic shows that the cyclist just takes any lane they like and even when it's red light and all the cars stop for cars from the other direction, they just go their way, knowing that the car in the right of way will give way to them. Following rules??? MY FOOT!!!

Next, this pic is another one where the pedestrian have the right of way in crossing and once again, they just bulldoze their way through without any regard of safety. Safe and responsible? MY FOOT AGAIN... plus my dogs 4 paws as well!!!
It's already bad enough that we are sharing the road with these cyclists who cause dangers to other road users. When they don't even respect the traffic rules and laws, it's a TOTAL DISGUST to other road users.
Come on man. We drivers pay road tax leh. So we use road of course can mah. BUT KNNBCCB... these cyclist nopay road tax nvm, no COE... nvm... now we share road with them and still have to give way to them when they are wrong... WTF???
This is totally morally wrong!!!
If they having competition in the name of sports and have police guarding them, lim bei encourage this sporting spirit. But this one hor, I cannot take it le. So have to blog about it and hopefully this is spread around and authories are notified.
Perhaps this is juz a BAD BUNCH of cyclist that are spoiling the name of cyclist in general but still a regulation will have to be imposed especially when they are in large numbers, occupy all lanes and have NO REGARDS FOR TRAFFIC LAWS!!!!
Disgusting is the only word I can think of. Hence it inspired me to took those 2 photos and blog about it. Imagine if this is not controled, one day, Singapore will be like China with cyclist everywhere.
Imagine, one day you are driver along PIE and you see a cylist tailing gating you and using high beam on you... haha... nah.. just a random thought. But even the thought is disgustin enough...
Okie... enough of this. Let's move on with life. Today finished my economic exam. After that went to KTV with Ivy and the 2 Bens. Had a tiring day BUT still I blog... toouched rite.. haha..
Shall stop here before I start getting crappy. Going to pack all my office stuffs tomorrow coz moving to UE Square on Wednesday le. Hehe.
Quote: "To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed."
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
Been quite sometime since I last blog. Reason is not coz me lazy hor. Coz "lim bei" got exam mah. Somemore is Business Economics Exam leh. Super difficult one hor. Not those "sub mao mao" subject.
Anyway, was spending alot of time "preparing" for it. Hence, I didn't have anytime to even blog. But no, exam finished le. So it's time to blog again.
Okie. Let's tok abt this topic first. I got inspired when I saw this "gang" of cylists cycling the other day and managed to take some pics.
They were cycling in a big group almost like 30 bikers. They had not police guiding them or what. They always do this on Sunday and I will always happen to bump into them on my way to church. But this time, they are having the biggest group. I'm super pissed by them this time. They are a bunch of people without any respect for authority or law.
I read an article from the President of the association of bikers sometime ago that he mentioned that the sport bikers were very responsible and always cycle safely and following traffic rules.
LAM P*!!!!! understand!!!!... Let's take a look at the photos I took.

This above pic shows that the cyclist just takes any lane they like and even when it's red light and all the cars stop for cars from the other direction, they just go their way, knowing that the car in the right of way will give way to them. Following rules??? MY FOOT!!!

Next, this pic is another one where the pedestrian have the right of way in crossing and once again, they just bulldoze their way through without any regard of safety. Safe and responsible? MY FOOT AGAIN... plus my dogs 4 paws as well!!!
It's already bad enough that we are sharing the road with these cyclists who cause dangers to other road users. When they don't even respect the traffic rules and laws, it's a TOTAL DISGUST to other road users.
Come on man. We drivers pay road tax leh. So we use road of course can mah. BUT KNNBCCB... these cyclist nopay road tax nvm, no COE... nvm... now we share road with them and still have to give way to them when they are wrong... WTF???
This is totally morally wrong!!!
If they having competition in the name of sports and have police guarding them, lim bei encourage this sporting spirit. But this one hor, I cannot take it le. So have to blog about it and hopefully this is spread around and authories are notified.
Perhaps this is juz a BAD BUNCH of cyclist that are spoiling the name of cyclist in general but still a regulation will have to be imposed especially when they are in large numbers, occupy all lanes and have NO REGARDS FOR TRAFFIC LAWS!!!!
Disgusting is the only word I can think of. Hence it inspired me to took those 2 photos and blog about it. Imagine if this is not controled, one day, Singapore will be like China with cyclist everywhere.
Imagine, one day you are driver along PIE and you see a cylist tailing gating you and using high beam on you... haha... nah.. just a random thought. But even the thought is disgustin enough...
Okie... enough of this. Let's move on with life. Today finished my economic exam. After that went to KTV with Ivy and the 2 Bens. Had a tiring day BUT still I blog... toouched rite.. haha..
Shall stop here before I start getting crappy. Going to pack all my office stuffs tomorrow coz moving to UE Square on Wednesday le. Hehe.
Quote: "To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed."
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
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