Am I smart or...
Let's blog again......
Haha... before I start on today's topic, let me digress first.
Didn't blog again for the past few days coz busy packing office and shifting. Today finally finishing shifting everything and tomorrow will be start of work @ UE Square.
Before that, let's re-live some moments.
While packing my Project Director's office, we suddenly had this GREAT IDEA!!! Introducing Aaron. Nice and value for money.Onli 2000 Baht... Sawadi-cap.

Come! Come! Come! Ger... nope I mean Guy No.44. He's an Ang Pai okie. Have to pre-booking hor... Muahaha

Okie. This pic is taken today. Last day where everything is cleared.

So it's bye bye to my old office. Shall take some pics of the new office and post it pretty soon.
Okie reason for my post today. I had a BPA (Business Process Analysis) Mid Term Test last wednesday. I spent like only that 1 hour before the test studying. Today, got the result. I was expecting a credit or at most a distinction.
OMG! I got a HD for the test.
HD == Heng Dio!!
hahaha... no lar... means High Distinction.... Somemore, only 1 person got HD leh...
Mmm... so this sets me thinking. For 1 hour of effort at MacDonalds, I can get a HD. So am I that smart. I always knew I'm smart... but really getting a HD shock me damm alot... I can only think of 1 reason. It's coz God is blessing me. That has got to be the only reason. Coz I'm not that SUPER smart k....
Haha... Enough of boasting or else Benjamin Sim will be cursing me... muahaha...
So tomorrow got to wake up earlier than usual coz now office new place so got to leave earlier.
Okie. That's about all for now. Cheers...
Quote: "People will forget what you said.
People will forget what you did.
But peoplewill never forget how you made them feel."
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
Haha... before I start on today's topic, let me digress first.
Didn't blog again for the past few days coz busy packing office and shifting. Today finally finishing shifting everything and tomorrow will be start of work @ UE Square.
Before that, let's re-live some moments.
While packing my Project Director's office, we suddenly had this GREAT IDEA!!! Introducing Aaron. Nice and value for money.Onli 2000 Baht... Sawadi-cap.

Come! Come! Come! Ger... nope I mean Guy No.44. He's an Ang Pai okie. Have to pre-booking hor... Muahaha

Okie. This pic is taken today. Last day where everything is cleared.

So it's bye bye to my old office. Shall take some pics of the new office and post it pretty soon.
Okie reason for my post today. I had a BPA (Business Process Analysis) Mid Term Test last wednesday. I spent like only that 1 hour before the test studying. Today, got the result. I was expecting a credit or at most a distinction.
OMG! I got a HD for the test.
HD == Heng Dio!!
hahaha... no lar... means High Distinction.... Somemore, only 1 person got HD leh...
Mmm... so this sets me thinking. For 1 hour of effort at MacDonalds, I can get a HD. So am I that smart. I always knew I'm smart... but really getting a HD shock me damm alot... I can only think of 1 reason. It's coz God is blessing me. That has got to be the only reason. Coz I'm not that SUPER smart k....
Haha... Enough of boasting or else Benjamin Sim will be cursing me... muahaha...
So tomorrow got to wake up earlier than usual coz now office new place so got to leave earlier.
Okie. That's about all for now. Cheers...
Quote: "People will forget what you said.
People will forget what you did.
But peoplewill never forget how you made them feel."
~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
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