Tuesday, February 21, 2006

the Time has come...

Let's Begin.......

Reflections, Decisions Now it's Actions. Over the past few days, I practically did nothing. Not even using much of my brain. Even at work, everything I do need not any brains. I'm too smart for my job? Mmm...

I had been reflecting on myself for the past few days and whenever I do self reflection, it always brings me to a very low point of my life and mood. I will become extremely sensitive and negative. Value or flaw? Up to each individual to decide. After every self reflection, although I will super down during the course of it, I will always survive through it. Alone. As usual, no one around me is able to feel that I'm down, that's why I always spend the darkest hours of my life alone in fear and agony.

However, I'm me again now. Emerging stronger and better than before. Like caterpillar emerging from a cocoon, I emerged from my dark room once again, better than before, stronger than before, with another story to tell and more experience to share.

Perhaps I think too much and too frequently. Sometimes, those who knows me better, will tell me not to think so much. But that's me, take away that part and you will lose me, be it Songen, Jason, J or Dr J.

Now its the phase after self reflection again. It's the action phase. I had made decisions and re-pioritise myself. So only putting my decisions into action can improve myself and become better.

I had recently think of my mood swing trends and here are the findings. I can actually predict my mood swings.

1) Mood Down (3 days)
2) Reflection (2 days)
3) Decision making (2 days)
4) Action (time varies from 1 day to 1 week)
5) Success & Hyper Happy Mood (1 week)
6) Neutral towards things around me (1 week)
Go to step 1 again...

So based on the timeline above, I will be happy only for 2 weeks where I take action after decision making and riding on the success of my actions. Mmm. Another more IMPORTANT finding is that I will have a mood swing every month. WTF??? Am I a female going through PMS??? shit.... I turning GAY!!!! Muahaha...

Ok. Some quick updates since Sunday.

Work as usual yesterday. Afternoon, met Shernise for lunch. She shared this theory or concept with me.

How much does a can of COKE cost in the following places?

- Supermarts = $0.90
- Coffee Shop = $1.20
- Restaurants = $3.00
- Pubs or Clubs = $8.00

So, it's the same can of coke, or same quality but why does the value varies so much. It's the same as us. I see myself as a coke in the supermart now. I have potential and quality. However my current workplace is not giving me recognition. However, I will bid my time and unltimately become a coke in a pub or even a collectors items someday.

Okie. Just some train of thoughts.

After work, went home, played with my dog and after that went to play some soccer. Reached home around 10pm, had dinner, watch some TV Programs and slept.

So that's about it. Will be having lessons tonight.

Quote: "One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation."

~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax


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