Drenched in my pain again....
Let's Begin.......
Ok. So the last time I blogged was on Wednesday. Ok. So I shall try to explain where I had been the past few days. Some details will be left out deliberately....
Ok. So on Wednesday night, I sent parents to Boon Lay to take their coach up to Penang. After they left at 10pm, went over to Eve's place and then we went to West Coast Mac to chill. Chill till around 2 am, went to the play ground to play and after that had Prata before sending her home.
Thursday I'm on leave. Eve had to work so went to pick her to work coz knowing that I sent her back too late. After sending her, went home to sleep again. Haha. Studied a bit during Thursday. Totally no mood for exams. Think I met Eve on Thursday nite again. But not too sure on that. Losing memory....
Friday is suppose to be crunch time coz it's one day before my Consumer Behavior exam on Sat. Haha. But what did I do, I went to look for Eve, then I met Arthur, Clare and Laipeng at Mac to study. Had migraine so went home early. Slept.
Saturday morning exam didn't study. Left out many chapters. But after the exams, glad I did not put in much effort. Coz' everyone had no idea what the exam was about. Haha. Went home to sleep then went to meet Eve. Went to her Uncle's place in AMK to pass something then we went to have dinner at the coffee shop near my house. The super nice Chicken Cutlet with rice. After that went to my house to watch TV. Sent her home around 1am plus.
Sunday went to church and reach home around 2pm. Slept till night around 7pm coz Eve called me. Decided to meet up to study while she prepared for her marketing presentation to SONY on Monday. Picked her up and went to West Coast Mac. Haha. Studied till 3am. damm tired but we both did a fair amount of work in our own areas. Sent her home.
Slept till 10 am then went to TPY to study and have breakfast. Exam was at 2pm. I was doing mind mapping of the topics. think it is really good to do mind map. Helps alot. Exam was a 2 Hr 10 min paper but finished the paper in like 50mins coz it was too easy and I over studied. Hope to get a High Distinction for this. Hehe.
After exam drove down to pick Eve up for the interview coz I never expect myself to finish the paper so fast. Her interview at 4pm. After sending her, I went Jurong Fishing pond to chat with the Uncles there and see people fish. Pick Eve up after the interview and it went pretty well. We then went to walk around Jurong Point coz I needed to buy a gift exchange pressie for "some reasons" Bought dinner then I sent her home. She quite unhappy that I going to party coz I'm suppose to be tired and need to rest. Thanks for the concern ger. Dun worry. I will not sleep while driving. Hehe.
Tuesday, this morning, went to pick parents at 8am then after reaching home, slept again till 12.30pm then came to office. Settle the work that piled up. Now free so I blogging again. Hehe
Ok shall let you guys know how to go to 鸟山 (Jiao Shua or Niao Shan or Jurong Hill) Actually the place is call Jurong Hill but coz it's located beside the Birdpark, that's why people call it Bird Hill. Hehe. Please take a look at the map below.

* The line in RED is the road up the hill. Please do drive carefully along the long and winding road and at night please on your high beams around the corner. If you're not trained in cross country driving or terrain driving. Please contact me and I will gladly fam you up and down the hill as I'm trained. Please do buy some drinks before you go up as there are no stalls selling drinks there.
That's about all.
Quote: "Sometimes it hurt more then we can bear.If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace..but we would be hollow..Empty rooms shuttered and dank.Without passion we'd be truly dead --David Boreanaz "
~Nothing is impossible the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
Ok. So the last time I blogged was on Wednesday. Ok. So I shall try to explain where I had been the past few days. Some details will be left out deliberately....
Ok. So on Wednesday night, I sent parents to Boon Lay to take their coach up to Penang. After they left at 10pm, went over to Eve's place and then we went to West Coast Mac to chill. Chill till around 2 am, went to the play ground to play and after that had Prata before sending her home.
Thursday I'm on leave. Eve had to work so went to pick her to work coz knowing that I sent her back too late. After sending her, went home to sleep again. Haha. Studied a bit during Thursday. Totally no mood for exams. Think I met Eve on Thursday nite again. But not too sure on that. Losing memory....
Friday is suppose to be crunch time coz it's one day before my Consumer Behavior exam on Sat. Haha. But what did I do, I went to look for Eve, then I met Arthur, Clare and Laipeng at Mac to study. Had migraine so went home early. Slept.
Saturday morning exam didn't study. Left out many chapters. But after the exams, glad I did not put in much effort. Coz' everyone had no idea what the exam was about. Haha. Went home to sleep then went to meet Eve. Went to her Uncle's place in AMK to pass something then we went to have dinner at the coffee shop near my house. The super nice Chicken Cutlet with rice. After that went to my house to watch TV. Sent her home around 1am plus.
Sunday went to church and reach home around 2pm. Slept till night around 7pm coz Eve called me. Decided to meet up to study while she prepared for her marketing presentation to SONY on Monday. Picked her up and went to West Coast Mac. Haha. Studied till 3am. damm tired but we both did a fair amount of work in our own areas. Sent her home.
Slept till 10 am then went to TPY to study and have breakfast. Exam was at 2pm. I was doing mind mapping of the topics. think it is really good to do mind map. Helps alot. Exam was a 2 Hr 10 min paper but finished the paper in like 50mins coz it was too easy and I over studied. Hope to get a High Distinction for this. Hehe.
After exam drove down to pick Eve up for the interview coz I never expect myself to finish the paper so fast. Her interview at 4pm. After sending her, I went Jurong Fishing pond to chat with the Uncles there and see people fish. Pick Eve up after the interview and it went pretty well. We then went to walk around Jurong Point coz I needed to buy a gift exchange pressie for "some reasons" Bought dinner then I sent her home. She quite unhappy that I going to party coz I'm suppose to be tired and need to rest. Thanks for the concern ger. Dun worry. I will not sleep while driving. Hehe.
Tuesday, this morning, went to pick parents at 8am then after reaching home, slept again till 12.30pm then came to office. Settle the work that piled up. Now free so I blogging again. Hehe
Ok shall let you guys know how to go to 鸟山 (Jiao Shua or Niao Shan or Jurong Hill) Actually the place is call Jurong Hill but coz it's located beside the Birdpark, that's why people call it Bird Hill. Hehe. Please take a look at the map below.

* The line in RED is the road up the hill. Please do drive carefully along the long and winding road and at night please on your high beams around the corner. If you're not trained in cross country driving or terrain driving. Please contact me and I will gladly fam you up and down the hill as I'm trained. Please do buy some drinks before you go up as there are no stalls selling drinks there.
That's about all.
Quote: "Sometimes it hurt more then we can bear.If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace..but we would be hollow..Empty rooms shuttered and dank.Without passion we'd be truly dead --David Boreanaz "
~Nothing is impossible the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
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