Friday, December 09, 2005


Let's Begin.......

I just discovered something very disturbing. And till now it's blogging my head, my mind, my feelings, my emotions. Nope. It's not about gers. Gers dun hav such an impact on me. It's friendship or rather brotherhood. This is one thing I treasure alot. Yet it might be starting to fail me.

Till now you reading it might still not know what it is about. It's okie. The truth will come to light. I always believed that among brothers, we must be truthful with each other even be it very touchy issues. We are all grown and matured enough to talk it over and come to an agreement.

So, the mountain had not moved and we are all sweeping the issue under the rug. Forget it. Doesn't interest me as long things remain the same. We had asked at least 3 times to do activities that we used to do together. But none materialise. Nvm it's ok. But when I found out just now and the reason you gave was both shocking and painful. I'm working, Clare is not.

I understand totally you are in a difficult position. If you have your reasons, just let us know. We will be okie. We are suppose to be open and able to talk things through. We used to be able to do that. Perhaps not so much now.

Although Clare toks alot of crap, his words echo in my mind. "Never forsake friends because of girls" This is one thing that pierce a sharp pain into my heart back then and I decided to change for the better. To be truthful to my friends.

Pain... Pain... Pain... I shall return home and sleep..... Clare... I will try to jio Giselia to play mahjong. Guess she will be our kaki from now on....

Quote: "Never forsake friends because of girls."

~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax


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