Behold!!! X'Mas is Here...
Let's Begin.......
So, Christmas is here again. I totally have no mood this year. No mood for Christmas at all. Perhaps it's work, studies and the change I'm goping through in Life that sap all my energy. Haiz. I must pull on. Coz' I believe that at the end of the rainbow, I will find my pot of Gold.
So didn't blog yesterday. Shall update a bit on the happenings. On Thursday, after work, went to meet up with Arthur and his friends. He's leaving on a jetplane for Italy for his holidays with his family and we had a so called farewell party for him. Haha. He's best to me, he actually con me into drinking a cup of sugar syrup. Upon sitting down at starbucks, he immediately "cheers" me and knowing that I had not ordered anything, there was already a plastic cup of transparent sugar syrup in front of me. Thanks. Took one mouth and spitted out everything. This is what I call brother. Bleh!!!
After sending him off, went to pick Eve. Had some kind of misunderstanding and she was super pissed with me. Haiz... Dennis, I understand how you feel now. Brother, I'm sorry if I had been an ass. Haha. So I managed to pick her up in the end from Paragon and we went Newton for her supper and my dinner at 11pm. Sent her home after that.
Yesterday in office, there was a cake party for Christmas. Booo.... Coz' too many corporate gifts received this year are log cakes. Hence just offer us cakes and forget about any form of celebration. I shall await. Once I finish my degree...... Hahaha
After work, hanged around in town. Met Evelyn. When I called her, she was like acting mysterious and asked me to wait for a while coz she doing something. Nvm. When I met her, she passed me my pressie. Hehe. Guessed so. After that we went Cineleisure for dinner at Pasta Mania. Dear friends. PLEASE do NOT go Pasta Mania EVER ever EVER again. They can't cook pasta for shit. The pasta we had, be it tomato or wine base was just simply TASTELESS!!! I'm not that fussy about food but that was simply unacceptable. SHIT FOOD!!! I'm going to do negative Viral Marketing for them. NEVER go PASTA Mania again.
After the horrible meal, we went to buy some gifts for the kids and was shopping at Kino when Dennis came to meet me. Left Eve to browse at Kino while we went to chat about business. Haha. Left Orchard and headed for home coz Eve wasn't feeling too well. Yeah, before I forget, Eve got her job at SONY Marketing already. At least the hardwork that she put in had paid off and most important, they are also sponsoring her Master without any Bonds. Good for her. Nvm. I still have a chance to get my Master before her. haha.
So today in office is basically super boring. Nothing to do. Going home after this and relax. Going to meet Eve in the evening for dinner and then we will be catching King Kong.
Anyway, below are some of the gifts I got.

*Est baked this herself....

*Nice right... so sweet of her....

*Given by Yitfong...
Gi had also sent my family a Christmas hamper. Hehe. Cannot show any pics. Coz the nutrients from the Juice had been absorbed by my body. The ham is almost finish and most of them are with the sewage department on the way to becoming New Water. The log cake is only half left. Hehe. Thanks ger.
Okie that's about it. Shall update more. Wishing everyone and anyone that visit Without Wax, a Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Quote: "There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child."
~nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
So, Christmas is here again. I totally have no mood this year. No mood for Christmas at all. Perhaps it's work, studies and the change I'm goping through in Life that sap all my energy. Haiz. I must pull on. Coz' I believe that at the end of the rainbow, I will find my pot of Gold.
So didn't blog yesterday. Shall update a bit on the happenings. On Thursday, after work, went to meet up with Arthur and his friends. He's leaving on a jetplane for Italy for his holidays with his family and we had a so called farewell party for him. Haha. He's best to me, he actually con me into drinking a cup of sugar syrup. Upon sitting down at starbucks, he immediately "cheers" me and knowing that I had not ordered anything, there was already a plastic cup of transparent sugar syrup in front of me. Thanks. Took one mouth and spitted out everything. This is what I call brother. Bleh!!!
After sending him off, went to pick Eve. Had some kind of misunderstanding and she was super pissed with me. Haiz... Dennis, I understand how you feel now. Brother, I'm sorry if I had been an ass. Haha. So I managed to pick her up in the end from Paragon and we went Newton for her supper and my dinner at 11pm. Sent her home after that.
Yesterday in office, there was a cake party for Christmas. Booo.... Coz' too many corporate gifts received this year are log cakes. Hence just offer us cakes and forget about any form of celebration. I shall await. Once I finish my degree...... Hahaha
After work, hanged around in town. Met Evelyn. When I called her, she was like acting mysterious and asked me to wait for a while coz she doing something. Nvm. When I met her, she passed me my pressie. Hehe. Guessed so. After that we went Cineleisure for dinner at Pasta Mania. Dear friends. PLEASE do NOT go Pasta Mania EVER ever EVER again. They can't cook pasta for shit. The pasta we had, be it tomato or wine base was just simply TASTELESS!!! I'm not that fussy about food but that was simply unacceptable. SHIT FOOD!!! I'm going to do negative Viral Marketing for them. NEVER go PASTA Mania again.
After the horrible meal, we went to buy some gifts for the kids and was shopping at Kino when Dennis came to meet me. Left Eve to browse at Kino while we went to chat about business. Haha. Left Orchard and headed for home coz Eve wasn't feeling too well. Yeah, before I forget, Eve got her job at SONY Marketing already. At least the hardwork that she put in had paid off and most important, they are also sponsoring her Master without any Bonds. Good for her. Nvm. I still have a chance to get my Master before her. haha.
So today in office is basically super boring. Nothing to do. Going home after this and relax. Going to meet Eve in the evening for dinner and then we will be catching King Kong.
Anyway, below are some of the gifts I got.

*Est baked this herself....

*Nice right... so sweet of her....

*Given by Yitfong...
Gi had also sent my family a Christmas hamper. Hehe. Cannot show any pics. Coz the nutrients from the Juice had been absorbed by my body. The ham is almost finish and most of them are with the sewage department on the way to becoming New Water. The log cake is only half left. Hehe. Thanks ger.
Okie that's about it. Shall update more. Wishing everyone and anyone that visit Without Wax, a Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Quote: "There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child."
~nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax
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