Monday, November 21, 2005

Mid term over...

So, how did I spend my weekend... mmmm....

Thursday and Friday was spent studying for the Midterm Exams for e-Commerce Management unit... boring topic... was at Mc from 10pm to 4 am mugging away with Arthur, Minie, Lai peng.... so shagged...

After exams and class ended on Saturday at ard 4pm, went straight home to sleep... slept till 9pm... then call Eve.... told me she hungry... so go down to Jurong to meet up and eat my fav bar chor mee... haha... after that went home ard 12am.... Sunday, went church... after came back.. sleep again... till 6pm... then ate dinner... sleep... wake up, wake Vampire show... chat on the phone till 3am... then sleep... so that simply wraps up my simple weekend...

Both Clare and Dennis are BACK!!!... ahha... miss them... so will have more fun and looking forward to the Gothic Party on Dec 19... the Guest list is ever growing.. wahaha... lots of fun awaits... hehe...

Quote: True Nobility
Who does his task from day to day
And meets whatever comes his way,
Believing God has willed it so,
Has found real greatness here below.
Who guards his post, no matter where,
Believing God must need him there,
Although but lowly toil it be,Has risen to nobility.
For great and low there's but one test
Tis that each man shall do his best.
Who works with all the strength he can
Shall never die in debt to man. -- Edgar A. Guest

~Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer~
JasunZ, Without Wax


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